It's funny, there was an old skit on SNL with a New Englander that would make the statement "Cant get there from here"... seemed funny at the time but after trying to navigate our way around the state on Connecticut last week it seems all too true. Coming from California it was odd to be able to basically transverse the state in not much more than an hour (despite having to reevaluate our position several times) but it also took nearly an hour to travel the 28 or so miles to this covered bridge. Not due to traffic or any such slowdown just due to the terrain. Anyway, Erin and Ben were great sports even after a long wedding day, we were only able to play for about 45 minutes but I was quite happy with the results. While we were down on the rivers edge we noticed a couple sitting up on the bridge and we were pleasantly surprised to find they had ridden up on a red raked Harley... Kate worked her magic and in a few moments we were photographing bridal portraits on the bike. How many couples get to have this kind of fun on the wedding day, or for that matter convince their friends that they rode off on a Harley.