Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus (he is in Del Mar). This has to be the most authentic Santa I have run across. On a holiday assignment for the Del Mar Village Association I had the opportunity to work with this awesome Saint Nick, and not sure if it was real or an augmentation but his belly did shake like a bowl of jelly he he laughed. Also shown here is Santa helper elf... less pointy ears than I would have expected but cute all the same.
A global romance found a home in San Diego today when Diego and Marina tied the knot in an intimate ceremony. Congratulations, Kate and I wish them a long and happy marriage.
Adrianne & Morgan married at the Abby in San Diego. I loved how much they were into each other, how unique and personal the wedding was and how involved the family was in making everything just perfect for the special day. The entire group put in weeks of work, from the lighting down to the hand crafted castle for the desert. You will note the "Mr T" bobble head that has been part of every family gathering for longer than anyone could tell me. It is rumored that "Mr T" has been to every continent (and there are photos to prove it). All of these things made the day unique but one of my favorite things was Adrianne's shoes or "Choo's" (since they were Jimmy Choo designed), gotta love the red :)
Whenever I get a change I like to make a trip back to Oklahoma... usually it is so the weather can remind me why I left. This year I hit that one week window where the weather is perfect (like San Diego). Here are a few from my adventure, one wedding and a few portraits. Pay special attention to the one with goats, that is my college roommate (we always teased him about being a goat farmer and now, he has a farm and goats and I couldn't resist).