Most people when confronted by a camera resort to the same pose they have done for years (and it always looks bad). The trick to looking good is to first have an honest evaluation of your strong and weak attributes. Let's take a common one for this tip - love of carbs.
I, like many of you carry a bit extra due to my "over efficient" metabolism. Knowing this is your situation gives to the tools to look better in photographs. First thing is the outfit you choose, the human eye is drawn to flesh tones and bright objects. Since we notice things that are bright a large person will always look larger in light or white clothes, dark colors are slimming.
The other issue in exposed skin, if you carry a bit extra a sleeveless shirt can expose as much skin as is visible on the face (drawing the eye to the problem areas and away from the face). Now I am not advocating everyone dressing like Robert Smith from the Cure but clothing can have an impact on your look (especially if you know you are going to get photos taken). Another very easy way to reduce your camera size is to take advantage of the cameras lack of 3D perspective. Simply put, things that are closer to the lens appear larger so take a step back when in a group. Also, width can be shaved off with angle. As an example take a pencil (this represents your shoulders) hold the pencil at arms length point to the right, eraser to the left. Turn the pencil so the eraser is pointing at you. The pencil turns from a long object to a circle. The same is true with your body. If you stand in the middle of a group of three and place your arms around the two on either side, you are at your widest. You can cut nearly half your mass by turning to a 45 and tucking one shoulder behind the person next to you. "What about the person on the end" you ask... that is where you put the person that shows up late to the photo :)
Be sure to check back for more tips on looking great in photos or subscribe to the RSS feed and get them as soon as they post.
Great tips! I love the 30 second diet tip and will be sure to do it.
I have love your photos. The 30 second diet tips were great. Now I will be able to take photos until I reach my weight loss goals. Let's just keep it between us ;)
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